Lady Gaga's Smart, Nostalgic, Very Earned Voting Plea
"I've said a lot of things in a lot of different ways, wearing a lot of different outfits, makeup, hats, dresses made out of meat, jumping off of stadiums, screaming on stage..."
What Happened Between Madonna and David Fincher?
“It’s just almost like a silent language. It’s with eyes, you know, when you know someone so well. And it also has to do with love.”
"My Biggest Enemy Is Me"
Some thoughts on the Madonna biopic and Lady Gaga's "911" video
Why 'Blinding Lights' Is Video of the Year
Regardless of who takes the award home on Sunday night
Revisiting 'High by the Beach,' Lana Del Rey’s Thesis Statement on Fame, on its Fifth Birthday
And what the Jake Nava-directed video can tell us about the past year
Decoding Beyoncé’s ‘Self-Titled’ Vision Boards
An education in the album’s influences, not to mention Beyoncé's pop culture taste
The Pop Diva in Isolation
What pop star documentaries have to say about being alone a lot
Mononym Mythology
“Come to me / With all your subtext and fantasy”